dETH - Defi Ethereum

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About dETH

From 05/12/2020 to 04/01/2021 the airdrop will take place
  • Within the Airdrop, you can get dETH tokens. To obtain dETH, you should confirm the availability of ETH and send any transaction to the wallet ... .. from your ETH wallet.
  • The smart contract will fix the amount of ETH on your wallet and after 240 hours a proportional amount of dETH from the amount of ETH at the time of the transaction will be sent to this wallet.

Within the framework of Airdrop, participants are charged a fee for creating a cast in the amount of 0.1 ETH



The user has the opportunity to receive only a one-time payment by the airdrop for 1 wallet.
When a user sends a large number of transactions from one wallet to a smart contract a commission in the form of 0.1 ETH will be charged, but dETH will be charged only once.
The limitation on the maximum ETH cast within the airdrop is 1,000 ETH.
When sending a transaction from a wallet with over 1,000 ETH the cast will still be 1,000 dETH.
The total amount of dETH for the airdrop is 115 million tokens
The dETH tokens will be sent in the same order in which the users sent transactions and made the casts.

Emission distribution

20 000 000
Total supply
18 000 000
2 000 000
Go to Airdrop

Airdrop instructions


To participate in airdrop dETH click on the button “Go to Airdrop”

Go to Airdrop

Send 0.1 ETH to


240 hours later dETH will be credited to your wallet


Store tokens
or exchange on the Uniswap stock exchange


dETH at Uniswap

You can exchange dETH tokens to USDT and others on the Uniswap stock exchange.

Uniswap is a decentralized protocol for the automatic provision of liquidity on Ethereum.



  • What is dETH for?
    dETH is an Airdrop token designed to support the ETH network and the ERC20 standard.
    dETH contributes to the development of the entire Ethereum blockchain ecosystem and can be implemented as an internal token for platforms and applications using smart contracts.
  • How do I get dETH?
    To receive dETH, you need to send a transaction from your metamask wallet to the smart contract address. The smart contract will create a snapshot of your ETH balance and after 240 hours dETH will be credited to your metamask wallet equivalent to the amount of ETH at the time the transaction was sent.
  • How do I use dETH?
    You can store dETH tokens in your wallet or sell them on an exchange. They can also be used in projects on the Ethereum blockchain using this token.
  • Who is sending dETH tokens to my metamask wallet?
    Sending dETH tokens is done automatically using a smart contract.
  • If 2 transactions were sent from one wallet by mistake, will dETH be credited twice?
    No, dETH credits within the Airdrop are made once per wallet. When sending two or more transactions, the commission in the form of 0.1 ETH will be charged, but dETH will be credited 240 hours after the first transaction according to the amount of ETH at the time of sending the first transaction.
  • What exchange is dETH listed on?
    dETH is currently listed on Uniswap.
  • What is the maximum number of tokens issued per wallet?
    Within the Airdrop, one wallet can receive a maximum of 1000 dETH
  • How long will it take to receive dETH after sending a transaction?
    dETH is credited after 240 hours